After several years of teaching Clara visited New Jersey where there weren’t any free public schools. Through help of the local committee Clara opened her own school there and by the end of the school year had over 200 pupils. She was a well-respected and liked teacher and used no physical punishment to discipline her students. She willing gave up her time and energy to help those who weren’t able to get an education. I think this is one reason she is the greatest American to live.
Another reason she is the great American was she helped bring supplies to those fighting in the civil war. She came with supplies when the soldiers and medical helpers needed her the most. One surgeon said “I thought that night if heaven ever sent out a(n)… angel she must be one her presences was so timely. One battle she was known to help the wounded in was the battle at Harper’s ferry. She was in the thicket of the battles and she treated the soldiers as her own boys. Clara Barton proved selfless time and time again, because of it she has helped many