The documentary we watched was about Clara Plante, who is …show more content…
During this documentary she was very talkative about her life and activities. She is the second oldest of many children (So many she couldn't recount), however there were only 4 that were still alive. Despite her age, she still was very active on her walker and walked every day. She recalled a time when she got lost on 101st street. That has instilled a fear in her to not want to go out alone. During her childhood she talked about how she was sent to a convent at the age of six years old. It was there where she had to learn English. Even though she has had tons of experiences, it stuck out to me how negative Clara was. She mentioned at one point, "never get old". However, she still travels to the Native Centre every Wednesday for meals. Nevertheless, the elder woman talks poorly about aging. She mentions not having anything to do but talk to herself and her only pleasure being watching TV. Her anger