Claritas Prizm Target Market

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The Claritas PRIZM (now called ‘Nielsen PRISM’ after Nielsen acquired Claritas Inc.) is a set of geo-demographic segments for the US, which was widely used customer segmentation system for marketing in the US in 1990’s and continues to be used today by many marketers.
These segments were developed, in part, by analyzing the US Census data. The PRIZM NE (New evolution) is an update to the original PRIZM model which had 62 segments previously compared to the current 66 segments. These segments help the marketers to know the consumers’ lifestyles and purchase behaviors.
Some of those segments are discussed below:

1. Movers & Shakers (Segment code: 03)
This segment consists of America’s wealthy dual income couples without kids who are highly
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Shotguns & Pickups (Segment code: 51)
The segment consists of young, working-class couples with large families, living in small homes and manufactured housing. According to Claritas, this segment’s name came by its moniker: it scores near the top of all lifestyles for owning hunting rifles and pickup trucks and this segment tends to be 20% of residents living in mobile homes, proportionally more than anywhere else in the US.
Below are this segment statistics according to Nielsen 2014:
Demographics Traits
• Urbanicity: Rural
• Income: Midscale
• Income Producing Assets: Low
• Age Ranges: 25-44
• Presence of Kids: HH w/ Kids
• Homeownership: Mostly Owners
• Employment Levels: BC, Service, Mix
• Education Levels: High School Grad
• Ethnic Diversity: White, Black, Mix

Lifestyle & Media Traits
• Order from Mary Kay
• Own horse
• Read Four