Classical Conditioning Vs Behaviorism

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Pages: 5

a) Nature vs Nurture is basically a study of Science of human development and it helps us understand why we are the way we are. Nature is based on our genes that we have inherited from our families. For example, like I might have inherited my family’s shortness. In other words, it is something that we cannot change because it was a gene given to me since the day I was conceived. Now nurture is something that we experience by everything that is surrounding us. For example, I might live in a very loud environment so now everywhere I go I will be loud and probably very talkative, but it can also have the opposite effect on us. There are a lot of scientists out there that are fighting on whether which factor is more important. In …show more content…
What behaviorists do is they study behaviorism to see where people learn or get their behavior from. Ivan Pavlov did a study by ringing a bell to dogs. His theory was he wanted to see if the dog would learn to salivate without giving it food. Due to the fact of his research, he won a Nobel Prize and demonstrating classical conditioning. Classical conditioning is how someone will react to something that stimulates them every time they hear something that is not connected to what they want and then even if they don’t have what they want but hear the noise they will still be stimulated. He believed that just like dogs the development of children was similar. For example, if a baby were to hear the doorbell ring he would immediately associate it with a door even if there was no one at the …show more content…
A way of achieving this he believed in conditioning the person by teaching them to do what you want them to do by using what stimulates them. He also did a study of classical conditioning He believed that the environment that a child was placed into would depend on how they will behave. His experiment was called “The Little Albert”. In this experiment, he would bring animals to the child and the child was not afraid of them, but once he added a loud noise while the boy was petting the animal then the boy was terrified. After he did not apply noise while he got the animal near the boy and the boy was now afraid of the animal. This did not only happen with the animal was holding but with any animal that looked similar to the animal, he was holding. This experiment is today considered breaking the code of ethics. An example of this would be me watching a scary movie that involves clowns. So now every time I see a clown I will be terrified of them. B.F. Skinner discovered operant conditioning. Operant Conditioning is basically doing an action that is not considered good and mixing it with something that the person or animal wants. But basically by repeating the bad action and tying it down with something someone really wants will make them not repeat that action. His experiment was “The Skinner Box” by using rats and loud noises. For example, if I had a soda on a table and every time a person