Darrell Deshotel EDCI 450 – 02 April 8, 2014
Motivational Strategies Motivation for students comes from two places: from within the student (Intrinsic) or from a factor that is found outside of the student (Extrinsic). Motivation is said to be intrinsic if a student is fascinated by a subject and understands how the subject can relate to their life and world. An intrinsically motivated student does not require outside influences to be actively engaged in learning the material presented. These students will take personal responsibility, studying the material on their own, and will feel a personal sense of accomplishment upon mastery of the subject. Intrinsically motivate students will continue exploring the material even after the instructor has wrapped up the lesson. Extrinsic motivation is an influencing factor on the student that does not come from within. The student performs certain tasks and gets certain rewards or does not perform tasks and nothing is rewarded. The letter grade at the end of the course is an extrinsic motivator. The student getting to participate in after school activities provided that student completed certain tasks is extrinsic motivation. Intrinsically motivated students have a long-lasting interest in a subject and their desire for information on the subject is self-sustaining. Strategies for these students are normally focused on the actual subject matter rather than the rewards that come with learning. It may be hard to get students to be intrinsically motivated. Each student is different so multiple approaches may need to be tried before intrinsic motivation happens. Also, in order to connect current learning with prior knowledge the instructor may have to get to know students on a more personal level to understand more about their personalities in order to facilitate intrinsic motivation. Strategies to teach intrinsic learners often center on keeping their interest level high. Lessons can start with interesting openers that grab a student’s attention. Attention grabbing stories relating to the material, mysteries, paradoxes, and demonstrations can be used to pull students attention directly into the lesson. The students should be encouraged to reflect on the past experiences of their lives and discussions can take place on how the current information connects to their prior knowledge. Weekly or Bi-weekly reflections can help students remain intrinsically motivated (this may be done anonymously). Asking the students how they think the information is beneficial can help the student understand how the information affects the “big picture” of their life. This also allows for the student to have more control over his or her learning. While writing out a reflection a student may realize something that is not understood, uncover new questions that cause curiosity, and realize something they may have missed the first time the information was covered.
Extrinsic motivators come from places outside of the student. Parental expectations, scholarships, course grades and “prizes” from the teacher are all motivators that are extrinsic. These types of motivators can produce changes in behavior quickly. They also require little effort to prepare and little knowledge of individual students are required. But, at times, they can also