He goes on to tell us that all of the maple syrup was made from maple trees, and that it was a lot better than the refined sugar that people have now a days. Clayton was never sold and always had one master. He reminisces on times of death, saying that there were no cemeteries, and that bodies were buried right there on the plantation, at least 6 feet under the ground. During pass time, the slaves danced or went to prayer meetings. Christmas was a big celebration. The slaves worked until Christmas Eve, and from then until New Years was their vacation. At seven or eight years old, Clayton and his mother received their freedom. Although they were freed, they stayed for another two years and worked, and their master paid them. The slaves were always known by the master’s last name, and after being freed they took their masters last name and kept it. Clayton was optimistic about his past, stating that most of the slave owners were good to their slaves. What I can learn from this transcript of slavery is that not all slaves were treated badly. My original mindset was that all slaves were treated terribly by their