Clean Air Act Importance

Words: 818
Pages: 4

The Clean Air Act has not only influenced and helped us to conserve our environment but it has allowed us to view the major key factors of how to maintain the air we breathe in good quality. The air we breathe is made up of two great components that are crucial to our environment. Oxygen is used for many things, we as humans use oxygen as a necessity as it is essential in our daily lives for respiration . It helps us maintain our blood flow healthy and it helps the brain to circulate blood for better processing. Oxygen also bonds with carbon that allows plants to use it for photosynthesis to create glucose to produce usable energy in the form of ATP. It is a big fundamental for the environment. Nitrogen is used for eliminating oxidation of materials, it also helps create fertilizer to help maintain plant life. Which in our environment, plant life is a huge component for our health. Trees take in co2 and releases the oxygen into the air which …show more content…
Emission control in our automobile engines does not only greatly reduce our air pollution amount but it also decreases the amount of deadly pollutants like carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, VOCs (volatile organic compounds), and particulate matter. Using this technology will not only impact our reduction in climate change but it would also reduce the automobile emissions which will in fact benefit us for the greater good of our precious air. CFCs are also a huge contributor to our pollutants, as it causes major negative reaction in the atmosphere and stratosphere as well. CFCs were often found in refrigerants and aerosol sprays. They are classified as halocarbons as they contain carbon and halogen atoms. The reduction of CFCs are also crucial as it helps to prevent it from breaking down our atmosphere and stratosphere which in terms will help us create the oxygen we need for