His mom is a trigger for him and he is a trigger for his mom. This intervention strategy was the second to come to mind. As I listened to Stan speak it became clear that this is a need not only for him, but for his mom too, if there is to be any possibility to restore their relationship Stan would benefit from staying in one of our CRF (Certified Residential Facility). The CRF provides structure for clients. The CRF implants skills to clients on how to responsibly live on their own. 3) Connect Stan with Agency peer groups and other Day Services Programs:
Given clients history of lack of trust in others. The team felt it would be in the clients’ best interest to be a part of our agency day services programs. Programs include Social Skills Group, Cooking and Nutritional Skills, Transportation Services, Computer skills Training, Money Management, and Fitness Activities.
In working with Stan, it has become clear that “one step at a time” has been good for him to hear. I repeat this statement to him during each visit. I have noticed when he hears this he
Client, Stan