Climate Change Affecting The Sea Levels

Words: 535
Pages: 3

Have you ever thought that humans could damage the Earth? Rising sea levels, shrinking ice sheets and decreasing snow cover are causing our Earth to be altered. These unnatural occurrences are all happening around us because of what humans are doing to the Earth. It's called climate change and we all are responsible and contributing to the deterioration of our Earth. The Earth’s temperature has risen 1.53°F since 1880, that is causing drastic(Global,2016). People might say climate change is a natural occurrence, but there is evidence that it is a man-made problem. If you think climate change is natural, read on and I will change your point of view on climate change.
First, I will describe how climate change is affecting the sea levels. Humans are making the Earth warmer through pollution. When we burn fossil fuels we pollute the Earth by adding Carbon Dioxide into the Earth’s Atmosphere(Human,2016). As the Earth becomes warmer, the ice caps melt and the sea level rises. The Earth is getting warmer along with the water which is making the water expand. Since the 1990’s the sea level has risen by a rate of 0.14 inches every year (Society, 2016). Sea levels
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Greenhouse gases and aerosols affect the climate by changing the atmospheric abundance in these gases and particles which leads to heating and cooling of the Earth(Human,2016). According to an international group the ice sheets are shrinking faster than predicted which could leave to disastrous effects on humans and other wildlife (Polar,2016). Ice sheets are shrinking which is making the sea levels rise which is causing catastrophic flooding. There are some researchers believe that these rising waters could begin to overtake the land. Now that you heard about ice sheets, I am going to tell you about snow covers. In addition to rising sea levels and dwindling ice sheets the climate is also impacted by decreasing snow