Clueless America Analysis

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Pages: 4

Seeking a higher education in the United States is crucial in one’s life especially if one plans to have a middle-class lifestyle and seek a purpose in life. In the last ten years, the percentage of American students attending a high school, and seeking a higher education have decreased tremendously: “An American kid drops out of high school every 26 second…” (The New York Times, “Clueless America”, Bob Herbert, 2008). Over the years, I have gained more knowledge about seeking a higher education; which allowed me to view and understand the true meaning of seeking a higher education and on how it can change one’s life greatly. After reading Bob Herbert’s article, “Clueless America”, two major questions came to my mind: What motivated me to pursue …show more content…
The American dream symbolizes success in one’s professional and personal life. On September of 2010 my quest for seeking a higher education began. The moment I entered the doors of Science Park High School, I knew that seeking a higher education would not be easy; which caused me to question the true meaning of pursuing a higher education. For example, there were times that I felt like giving up, which lead me into a major depression; causing me to isolate myself. However, by the end of my sophomore year of high school, I had realized that laughing and making jokes with my friends began to cure my depression. Which gave me a special force to continue high school, and move on to college to seek a higher education. If my depression became worse today, I would not have attended Felician College; which would have caused me to face even more difficult …show more content…
Thankfully, during my junior year of high school I discovered my passion for Literature, which allowed me to think about pursuing a career in the education field. Additionally, my passion for Literature became even stronger, after I read and analyzed the play Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller in my English III course. The play allowed me realize that in life, human beings struggle, and that one must overcome that struggle in order move on to the next stage of one’s life. However, what humans do not realize is that overcoming a major struggle and lead to either success or failure in one’s life. For example, in the play Death of a Salesman, Miller uses the protagonist Willy Loman, Biff Loman and Bernard prove that human’s beings struggle to find themselves and to seek a purpose in life. Sometimes the overcoming a major struggle in one’s life pays off; sometimes it does not. But, one must realize that life consists of struggles. For instance, one may be a successful doctor, lawyer, or teacher however, one will face some type of life struggles. Life struggles are struggles that take part of one’s daily life; what matters is dealing with the struggle in a way that will not harm one’s life, and turn them into normal life struggles, that humans face