Essay about Coal and Assembly Line

Submitted By Elaine-Ramirez
Words: 904
Pages: 4

1. What where the three major technological developments discussed in this portion of the course? Computer
Assembly line
Air transportation

2. Who ran and maintained the grain mills after the fall of Rome?
The Monateries "munks" and church

3. The water powered factories during the medieval industrial revolution got their technology from Overshoot Water Wheel

4. The first computer bug was caused by a moth.

5. Gears in the early mills were used for to control speed.

6. Which new weaving technologies were discussed during this portion of the course?
Horizontal loom
Spinning wheel
Jacquard loom

7. The first international center of exchange was in the champagne region of the country France during the 12th Century.

8. What happened around 1300 to cause grain harvests fall short and place all of Europe in a weakened condition?
"Little Ice Age" the gain harvest fell short, uncertain weather cause less harvest, and a wide spread of famine arose (bacteria).

9. Between 1347-1350 over 30% of Europe’s population perished from the “Black Plague.” Today we know this disease was caused by bacterium carried by a flea/ flees.

10. What’s the connection between the economic boom in the 15th century and inexpensive paper?
It triggered the Gutenberg to make the "Printing Press"

11. Why was the printing press important to future technological development?
It created the boom and it increased communications

12. The Jacquard loom used hole puncher cylinder as the program for weaving design.

13. The 1890 USA census was completed in half the time using which new technology?
Tabulating machine and punch cards

14. The tabulator used in the USA’s 1890 census used punch cards or hole punch paper to store data.

15. The first computer, the Mark 1 used electrictromechanical switches (a role of paper with hole) to input data.

16. What is the value of the binary number 010110?

17. What is the binary equivalent of 35?

18. What is necessary for an animal virus to become a human pandemic?

19. What is an Achromatic lens and how does it work?
The Achromtic lens had no color. The lens was made of flint and crown glass both canceling each other's color abbreviations. Result was a sharp image.

20. The acronym AM in time stand for?
Before noon/ ante meridian

21. What was the Looker?
22. We discussed three different clock mechanisms in class. What were the names of these different mechanisms?
Verge foliot escapement
Pendulum escapement
Steel spring ( from the portable clock)
23. From what technology was the idea for huntsman steel (crucible steel) taken from? The glass manufacturers

24. What was the trigger for the development of the dividing engine?
The sexant triggered the dividing engine which demanded more precise arc division

25. If one is lifting a 200 lbs.sack of flour using a combination of 5 pulleys, then how much force will it take to lift it?
Use the number provided and divide ex: 200 divided by 5=40

26. Which country according to Burke developed the first modern assembly line?
Ports art England (Western Europe)

27. What was the first assembly line used to assemble?
Ship blocks (pulley)

28. Why did the assembly line and standard interchangeable parts flourish in the USA?
Cheaper and unskilled labor

29. What is the difference between accuracy and precision?
Accuracy is close to true value. Precision is reproducibility of results or events. (Different numbers)

30. The article titled “Taking the long way home” was about made a clock to solve a longitude problem.
