Little frames her other subjects, the students are working hard. While teaching the lessons, most of the time students were working in conjunction with the books and the smartboard. Mrs. Little would have her slide with their math page on it and do the first together, before solo work, and group work. Sometimes students would work from their desks, and other times they would work from the carpet. I like the fact that they switch up where students sit because it gives them a change of scenery around the room. During group work Mrs. Little would call on students to come to the board and put their answers, helping them, if necessary, I think that during this learning process the addition of the Smartboard is the most interesting. It allows students to see their work bigger if they need to visualize it more clearly. In addition, it allows students to have a certain type of participation in their assignment, which can make it more engaging. For example, after solo work, students raise their hands to volunteer to answer and then write it on the board. When students can participate in an activity outside of classwork, they become more involved and interested in what they are