The story of Percival is also known as the story of the Holy Grail. The main character is a boy named Percival who leaves his mother to go become a knight. She feared that he would be killed just like his older brothers were. “She had wanted her remaining son to know nothing about knights and chivalry so that he at least would not run off and be killed in the same way” ("Overview: "The Perceval, The Story of the Grail"). Finally, she allowed her son to go become a knight and as he left, she collapsed on the ground. After some time, Perceval decided to go searching for his mother to see if she was still alive. His journey and quest in and of itself was proof of his chivalry. The Fisher King noticed his chivalry and invited him to stay with him at his castle. When he was there he gave Perceval a sword and said “Good brother, this sword was intended and destined for you, and I very much want you to have it” (Perceval). Throughout the whole story, Perceval shows many elements of his