Code Switching Composition Analysis

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Pages: 5

At the end of Composition II, I feel as though I have learned enough to effectively communicate now and in the future. I say this because by writing an informal and formal paper, learning correct APA citation, using an active voice instead of a passive voice, and how to utilize the correct tone in writing. All of these lessons will help me with code switching in the future. Code switching is a change the language and style one uses depending on the intended audience. Overall Composition II is a research writing-based course that emphasises on one of the six writing processes. The six emphasises include persuasion, evaluation, analysis, investigation, research and documentation of sources. During each of these main topics our instructor tied …show more content…
It matters because writing to your college professor about a professional topic in a conversational tone makes the writer look like they don't hold the academic credibility they need to effectively communicate with that professor. This also work in vise versa you wouldn’t want to use a formal tone when your just kicking it back with your friends because it doesn’t fit your intended audience. By completing this portfolio I learned that the four tones of writing, conversational, informal, academic, and formal, each hold their own importance depending on the situation that is at hand. Tone in writing connects with the evaluation portion of the course description. It connects with the evaluation part because you evaluate your topic and audience in order to discover which tone would best fit the intended message that you are trying to get across. This lesson was the first one that really really stuck with me throughout the …show more content…
I grew as a writer a lot when I learned this lesson because I not only become more aware of what I typed, but also I learned to identify and fix passive sentences that my writing contained. For example, I learned to take a passive sentence like “The room was decorated for the party when I arrived.” and change it into an active sentence like “They decorated the room before I arrived.” Changing the sentence made it easier to read and didn't alter the meaning of the sentence. This particular lesson became very helpful during the contrastive analysis essay because the information being presented was interesting to others that didn't care about the topic. By using this I turned a boring and uninteresting paper into a paper that was able to grab the attention of a few more readers. This lesson goes hand in hand with the analysis portion. I believe this because you analyze your writing looking for passive sentences or phrases that could then be changed for the better. When I first learned this skill I had a difficult time with sticking to it because I found it easier to ignore the problem instead of taking the time to fix it, however, I found it to just as easy to fix them as I typed the paper the first