Cold Desert Kings Of Leon Character Analysis

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Pages: 4

While reading The Last Star by Rick Yancey, the song “Cold Desert” by Kings of Leon always came to mind while reading about Cassie. Cassie has been a maverick since she got with a group of survivors. When faced with a dilemma, the group typically will choose the most logical and safe choice, but Cassie tends to go against the current and choose the dangerous path because, despite the consequences, it has the small chance of helping somebody she cares about. “Cassie Sullivan is sentimental and immature and self-absorbed beyond belief, but even she knows we’re crossing a threshold that we can’t cross back from” (Yancey 210). Evan Walker saved Cassie from dying countless times and has done what no human should in order to keep her alive, and now Cassie is following in his footsteps and going on a suicide mission to save him. The obvious option would be to stay in hiding because Evan Walker is probably dead already, but Cassie refuses to believe that and she will risk her life to save him, even if he turns out to be killed. In “Cold Desert,” it reads, “You told me you loved me, that I’d never die alone / Hand over your heart, let’s go home / Everyone noticed, everyone has seen the signs / I’ve always been known to cross lines” (Kings of Leon, lines 5-8).