When women are given the opportunity to explore their full potential, their true identity will come to light. In The Feminine Mystique, by Betty Friedan, women describe their feelings as “incomplete”, but that was only because they had not been given the opportunity to rise up and feel whole. Before they knew they were missing a purpose in life, that they were holding themselves back, but then they acknowledged that they “want[ed] more than [their] husbands and [their] own children and [their] home[s]” and gave themselves a chance to achieve their full potential (Friedan). The average lifestyle of getting married, buying a home, and then having children didn’t satisfy them. The normality was making them despondent and making them loose connection with the world around them. They didn’t accept the unsettling feelings which were plaguing their lives; they fought over what was wrong. This battle revealed that they would not give up and admit that they were unhappy. They persevered and showed that when faced with the opportunity, they would show their true identity which is resilient and rise to the occasion. While women in the 50s and 60s had to overcome their feelings, Mary Anne in the chapter, Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong, from the book, The Things They Carried, by Tim O’Brien, was exposed to a new way of living and that was the trigger which allowed her to access her true identity. In The Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong, an officer at a medical base has his girlfriend fly across the world to him and when she arrives at the base, she is a blond-haired, blue-eyed, innocent girl from the States. Her arriving at this alien place in Vietnam is her opportunity to reach her full potential, she has the chance to adapt