Collaborative Care Services In Canada Case Analysis

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Pages: 6


Overview of Palliative Care Services in Canada
Jamie Organ
Student Number: 0567596
Professor: Ms. J. Bertoni
Lakehead University
GERO 2010: Introduction to Palliative Care
October 23rd 2015

Overview of Palliative Care Services in Canada
Why is it that people, in general, do not want to think about the end of their life journey?
We all know that our journey will end in death. Yet, most of us do not have any plans in place which can make
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The multidisciplinary Palliative Care team may consist of personal support workers, respite workers, social workers, nurses, nutritionists, physiotherapist, occupational therapists, pharmacists, physicians or spiritual care providers etc. These healthcare professionals work as a team to provide the best quality care and treatment for the patient and support for their families. The majority of these healthcare professionals are registered members of the regulatory college for their profession and hold a certificate of registration from that college. By working together as a team, they are able to fast track an issue to the appropriate specialist that can make the patient more comfortable and improve their quality of care.
There are several barriers for providing quality Palliative Care to patients in Canada. In many cases, access to quality Palliative Care depends on the geographical location in which an individual lives in. Patients who live in rural communities may have little or no access to quality
Palliative Care. When living at home is no longer an option due to their failing health, and
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Networks are used every day for palliative patients and their families as well as healthcare professionals in order to stay informed with the most recent clinical information, resources and education regarding Palliative Care. As stated by Lieber (2007), “Palliative care network is designed to provide an Internet platform for palliative care professionals to teach, learn, interact and, exchange ideas with fellow colleagues for ultimate benefit of patients”
Palliative care in Canada has made improvements in recent years with the development of certain programs, strategies and networks such as, the Compassionate Care Benefit program in
2004, the Palliative Care Integration Project, End-of-Life Care Strategy in 2005 and the

OVERVIEW OF PALLIATIVE CARE SERVICES IN CANADA 6 establishment of End-of-Life Networks within health care planning regions. While these improvements are a great comfort to those who can benefit from it, there needs to be more awareness made to the general public to encourage them to start talking to their family