Collabortive Teaming Paper

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Pages: 3

Collaborative Teaming Paper Amy Wilkie Concordia University Instructional Methods for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities March 17, 2024 Collaborative Teaming Paper Introduction Paraeducators are school employees that work underneath the direction of a certified teacher. A paraeducator can support students and teachers in a plethora of educational settings. There are many ways that paraeducators support students. Examples of these supports include providing one-on-one tutoring, assisting with classroom management, organizing materials, providing general support for a teacher, and supporting a student individually (Defining a Paraeducator, n.d.). One setting that a paraeducator can help with is special education. Special …show more content…
All of these can help students have positive outcomes. Students Served in Special Education There are many disabilities that special education services can support. Children who are intellectually impaired, hearing impaired, have difficulties with speech or language, visually impaired, have emotional disturbances, have orthopedic challenges, have autism spectrum disorder (ASD), have had a traumatic brain injury (TBI), have learning disabilities, developmental delays, or other health challenges. Students with disabilities are covered under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA). There are six principles that need to be followed for students who receive special education services. These principles include free and appropriate public education (FAPE), nondiscriminatory identification and evaluation, individualized education program (IEP), least restrictive environment (LRE), parent participation, and data progress safeguards (Purdue University Global, n.d.). Collaboration with Teachers and Paraeducators Teachers and paraeducators are valuable