1.2 Describe how health and safety is monitored and maintained in the setting.
Health and safety checks should be routinely done at least once every term, by the senior leadership team and health and safety governor as well as the health and safety representative for the school making sure that any hazards are not being left unreported, if hazards are discovered e.g. overloading of plug sockets which can cause fires must be recorded and reported immediately also any other equipment that is used should have regular checks to ensure that they are safe to use. Risk assessments should be completed where potential hazards have been identified with regard to:
1. Process and procedures
2. Equipment and materials
3. Premises
4. Specialist matters
All risk assessments must be completed by a competent person and signed, which can be the health and safety representative
1.3 Describe how people in the setting are made aware of risks and hazards and encouraged to work safely.
All staff whether they are new or old, supply, student or volunteers must be aware of the contents of the health and safety policy for the school. They must be aware of all risks and hazards and be aware of any updates added to the policy this may be carried out at staff meetings.
It is ultimately the head teacher’s responsibility to make sure that all staff know about health and safety and liaise regularly with the governing body. All reasonable and