College Admissions Essay: Cheerleading

Words: 647
Pages: 3

Everybody has a “thing”. It’s something they work hard for and are known for. There are many different types of “things”. For some it’s a subject in school, for others it could be a musical talent, and others a great artistic ability. When I was young my mother and father encouraged me to try out many types of sports. They put me in countless soccer, basketball, softball and tennis camps. If there was a basic “children under 10” sports camp near Anacortes, it was guaranteed I was signed up. But I was terrified of being lost in the crowd, being just another average athlete in a sport that anyone could do. I wanted to be something more exciting and thrilling. I had to stand out in some way. Watching TV one day in April after another pointless spring soccer camp, I came across what I knew …show more content…
Those athletes had so much talent and made everything they did look easy. After watching them tumble, jump, stunt, and dance I couldn't believe that two minutes and thirty second had gone by. That’s the only time they had to show the judges that they deserved to win first place. In that moment I knew, cheerleading was going to be “my thing”. The very next day I found myself in the car driving to Oak Harbor in search of Liberty Cheer and insisted to my mom that I must sign up and be on their team. I started out on their youth level one team, learning how to be a base, cartwheel, and put my arms in a proper high-v. After my first season with them was complete, I spent our off time during the summer as a time to get better and further my skills. With persistence and countless hours at the gym I was just as talented as the older girls on their senior level one team. Cheerleading became less of a sport and more a lifestyle. Even at a young age it affected the way I spent my time during the week. I have become trained and conversant with