Your board game must include the following steps in the lawmaking process:
4 points Committee actions (amending, voting, etc.)
4 points Both chambers (House and Senate)
4 points Second chamber actions (pass with or without amendments)
8 points 4 possible actions of President
4 points At least 2 different paths to becoming a law
4 points At least 2 different paths in which the bill is killed (doesn’t become a law)
Your game must also meet the following requirements:
5 points Game board and pieces are neat, in color, and shows effort
2 points Game has a title
5 points Set of directions included (easy to follow, neatly written or typed)
40 points total (Major Grade)
I will multiply your total points x 2.5 for a possible total of 100 points. That final number will be your test grade for this project. For example, if you receive 30/40 points, I will multiple 30 x 2.5 = 75 for your test grade.
Applying to the college of your choice is a little like trying out for the Olympics—many are called, but few are chosen.