Eng.28 Sect.0204
Professor Dumars
29 April 2015 Blue Sky and Autumn Colored Leaves
I never really went into depth of thought as an adult on “Why the Sky is Blue”. Reminiscing on my childhood years I ponder the thought about the blue sky believing it was just a reflection from the ocean; sort of like a mirror image. Author Sir James Jeans gives a clear perspective and breakdown in his essay “Why the Sky Looks Blue”. The author presents the process from a visualization standpoint, although he combines it with realistic elements. His imaginary setting takes place on an “ordinary pier standing watching the waves roll and strike against iron columns of the pier” (Jeans 50). Jeans explains the contrast between both large and short waves. He states, “Large wave’s gives minor attention to the iron columns whereas short waves impinge on the columns, reflecting back and spreading as new ripples in directions (50). This is scattering. As I proceeded to read this essay, I did my own research to see if it was relatable to the authors’ perspective of “Why the Sky Looks Blue”. As mentioned in Jeans essay I am going to start my outline with “The Atmosphere”. The Atmosphere:
The atmosphere is the mixture of gas molecules and other materials surrounding the earth. (Science Made Simple, par.1) It consists of two main gases Nitrogen and Oxygen, although there are other gases, along with various particles such as dust, soot and ashes, pollen, and ocean’s salts. Due to the interaction between atmosphere and sunlight, we observe a blue sky. (Robert Roy Britt) This is exactly how Jean quoted it. “We have been watching a sort of working model of the way in which sunlight struggles through the earth’s atmosphere (50).How interesting! Sunlight and Waves:
Made of many different colors fused with lights, sunlight disperses in waves. We see this occur quite often, through a prism and as rainbow appear after the rain. Light it is a wave of electric and magnetic field. When waves navigate through space at (186,282 miles/sec) this is speed of light.
The energy radiations depend on its wavelength and frequency. Wavelength is the distance between the crests of the waves. On the other hand, Frequency is the amount of waves that passes by in seconds. (Science Made Simple, par.2) Colors of Light:
“We also know that light consist of waves, and that the different colours of light are produced by waves of different lengths, red light by long waves and blue light by short waves” (Jeans 51). Just as stated in my research material “We can see the different colors of the spectrum by splitting light with a prism” “All colors blends continuously into one another, each consisting of wavelengths, frequencies, and energies” (Science Made Simple, par.3). Progressing forward to the conclusion of “Why the Sky Looks Blue” the author concludes the essay speaking about the light in the air. Light in the Air:
Traveling through space in a straight line without a disturbance light continues until it runs into a bit of dust or a gas molecule. Jeans describes “Light in the Air” somewhat similar, he quotes “waves of blue light may be scattered by a dust particle, and detoured from its course” He also states that this process occurs repeatedly, and “finally enters our eyes like a flash of lighting” (51). Coming from each direction, known as called Rayleigh scattering. Moreover, this is what makes our sky looks blue. (Science Made Simple par.4) Living in the state of California I hardly ever get to see season being that it is always sunny. As much as I love the beauty of trees I would like to see, leaves change colors during our autumn season as they do on the East Coast. In the essay “Why Leaves Turn Color in the fall” author Diane Ackerman explains the process. “On a distant hill, a small square of yellow appears to be a lighted stage. At last the truth dawns on us: Fall is staggering in, right on schedule,