Columbus Forgotten And Spending Culture Summary

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Pages: 6

Fábián Réka EN-FI lll. 3175 / EN Dismantling dominant narratives Bell Hooks - Columbus: Gone but not Forgotten and Spending Culture: Marketing the black underclass Bell Hooks, or her by her birth name Gloria Jane Watkins was born in 1952 in Kentucky. Due to the segregation present in her life while growing up, especially living in the South, she experienced from a young age the difference in power and authority between white and black people. She adopted her pen name as a tribute to her maternal great-grandmother, which shows her connection to heritage and roots. This connection plays a significant role in her perspective on social issues and influences her writing. As a woman of color, she has further experience with the fact that inequality can be prompted by multiple different aspects of one’s self. This …show more content…
Hooks, 13) This theme can be observed in both Columbus: Gone but not Forgotten and Spending Culture: Marketing the Black Underclass through the way in which she challenges oppressive structures and advocates for a more inclusive and just society. In her essay about Columbus, Bell Hooks delves into a deconstruction of the prevalent historical narrative of how America was “discovered”. She challenges the traditional perspective of Christopher Columbus as a heroic figure who brought civilization to the indigenous communities living there and questions the legacy he represents to this day. The way colonization has continued to be represented can be viewed as a historical myth-making that disregards the brutal atrocities and oppressive aspects of the process. Hooks unpacks the romanticized notions around this exploration and exposes the cultural erasure that accompanied the European expansion into the