Common Core Classes Analysis

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Pages: 4

In order to improve student life, schools need to implement core classes that are government regulated, to ensure all students are being taught equally in those classes. Core classes are the basic classes that all students need to take in high school. These classes include English, Algebra, Geometry, and Biology. These are the general classes that need to be taken in high school in order to graduate. Although some schools do not have these same classes, in order to get rid of standardized testing, all schools must have the same regulated classes. These classes will be taught same with the same material across the United States. Due to the fact that not all students are the same, there will be classes that will be ahead and ones that are behind. …show more content…
Common Core State Standard implements a way for teachers to focus on the martial that was given to them. “As of June 2014, the CCSS had been adopted by 43 states, the District of Columbia (D.C.) and three U.S. Territories. A benefit of this widespread adoption of the CCSS is it provides consistency in the educational standards being taught since they should be comparable regardless of school location or student relocation during the academic year” (Stair 142). The vast majority of states have already adopted Common Core. Students and teachers are used to a regulated system. By adding a few more regulations, teachers will finally be able to focus on the material that was given to them rather than focusing on standardized tests. Teachers are also able to create a way to teach the material rather than the government teaching the class. The author of The CORE Community: Career and Technical Education Teachers' Perceptions of the Common Core State Standards writes, “Common Core allows for educators to figure out a way to deliver the information to the students, as Common Core is just standards and not prescribed curriculum” (Stair 142). In order to get rid of standardized testing, the changes to the education system will be similar to Common Core State Standards, as this system has been proven to …show more content…
These specific assignments will be the same for every school and will be assessed at the same time. These assignments will be given to the students at the time of the deadline for the certain material to be taught. This will provide the government with information about how well students are doing on these core subjects. By taking these assignments throughout the year, students will be able to see how much they have improved. These assignments will not only show how well these students are performing, but it will also give the teachers feedback on how well their students are understanding the subject. This allows for the students to get a better concept of what they are learning. Once these steps have been applied to the education system, standardized testing would not be needed, as these steps provide a way for the government to obtain information about the students, while the students are being educated on the subject that they had signed up