Common Core Research Paper

Words: 1027
Pages: 5

Common core is a fluent manner of students learning but also has many disadvantages. Teaching students different solutions to solve math equations. Some students have a difficult time solving these kinds of problems because there is confusing steps that go along. The testing also increases when the problems get more complicated. “For some it’s not so much the standards as the inevitable relatable standardized testing that is the issue” (Schulten). As said the testing is the hardest for the students to comprehend because none of it is relatable. Common core is not helpful in school because it does not benefit the students in any way. When a student is trying to solve the problems and they get too stressful it makes the student not want to finish …show more content…
In some scenarios if a student or the class does not understand the lesson, the teacher will have to stop and take up more time to help them understand that one specific problem. Not every student will be engaged in the learning and will not use the steps to solve any of the problems in the future. Not every student has the same learning styles as others, some students may learn slower than others. It is honestly just the brain processing all the steps that go along with learning Common Core. “Choosing a common core curriculum will be a hard process as children adjust to a completely different way of learning” (Old standards vs. New Standards). Learning a new style can be very difficult to adjust to for both the students and teachers. When a teacher does not learn the standards properly they can not teach the students the right ways to solve the problem the correct way. The standards just need to be built up in a education, not just threw in one chapter. Then the students are just expected to learn it without little to no background. Building up their confidence to be able to solve the standard problems will make a better show in testing. Teachers think that it will help with test scores skyrocketing but if the students do not latch on to the lesson that is being taught they might not test high on their standardized test. The standards are put in standardized testing to help the students, but all it is doing is creating misleading concept. Students deserve a learning style that is helpful to them in every way possible and will help them in the future. Not something that will make them not want to be successful such as common core. Children and young adults need the ability to feel happy and want to take part