Professor Hall
Why Is Writing An Important Skill?
If you were to walk into a fifth-graders English classroom, it would be a common thing to hear them say “when am I ever going to need this in my life?” but the truth is that writing skills play a very important role in communications in those around us. Good writing skills are also a larger part in your professional life. Writing is one of the important ways of expressing your thoughts, communication ideas and views with others. Writing skills can be the ticket for better grades and greater academic achievements. As a student, good-writing skills are a major importance in academics. When writing a paper you must be able to express your ideas in a profoundly way to make the reader focus on your context instead of marking your grammatical errors. Developing good writing skills has many advantages other than obtaining good grades. It teaches students how to critically think and develop their ideas in order to express them. Their communications and writing will develop and increase the skills that will benefit them in their future professional field. Most of professional business such as marketing, journalism, and research need excellent writing skills to be able to project ideas and concepts. Bosses usually write e-mails to their employees to notify them about meetings, specific instructions, or information about the workplace. Maintaining these aspects and improving them as you go, adds a positive image to the company and yourself. First impressions are always the most important in a workplace. You want to make sure that you attract and impress the person interviewing you. Being able to use proper communications skills and demonstrating excellent writing skills in an interview is the ticket to