Day/Time/Location: AE1:Tuesday 5:30-8:20PM 1000 Lincoln Hall AD1 215 Gregory Weds. 9-9:50AM AD2 215 Gregory Weds. 10-10:50AM AD3 215 Gregory Weds. 11-11:50AM
Professor: Matthew Rispoli, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Phone / Email: 244-2544 / students should email through Compass 2g
Office: 203 Speech and Hearing Building, 901 S. Sixth Street
Office Hours: TBA
General Education: This course satisfies the criteria Composition 2.
Brief Description: Provides an in depth view of the way disability is portrayed in film. Students investigate the symbolic nature of disability portrayal through period of 60 years of cinema.
Course Description and Objectives.
Specific objectives of this class:
1. Understand how disability is used as symbol in film.
2. Write persuasive, critical essays on the purpose of disability portrayal in film.
3. Write an informed comparison of two films with disability symbolism.
4. Appreciate the difference between fiction and reality with regard to disability in film.
5. Learn how to use external sources to defend an argument or support a thesis.
Course Policies and Expectations Academic Integrity: Infractions of academic integrity will not be tolerated. In such circumstances, students will receive a grade of 0 for an assignment. Infractions to academic integrity include, but are not limited to, copying from others what is supposed to be original writing, forging signatures and plagiarism.(see Student Code, 1-402; see for definitions).
Plagiarism. Plagiarism is defined by the University as "representing the words or ideas of another as one's own in any academic endeavor," (Student Code p. 15). Abundant citation and reference is the order of the day! Use the style manual of the American Psychological Association, use the resources available on the web:,
To learn about how NOT TO PLAGIARIZE consult All students will be held to the standards and stipulations set out in these web-sources. When examples of plagiarism have been documented, the student forfeits all points from his or her assignment and receives a ZERO grade.
Accommodations: To make accommodations for any sort of disability, please make an appointment to discuss your accommodations by September 1st so that your learning needs can be appropriately met. Please contact the Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES), 1207 S. Oak, C. (333-1970) if you have not yet done so. This office assists in obtaining proper documentation for accommodations, including help in note-taking. Individuals with disabilities often do not wish to call attention to themselves. Please do not be reticent to speak with me.
Attendance: Attendance is expected (Student Code, 1-501a) and is part of your. Roll will be taken at every one of 17 mandatory meetings. You should not be absent on those designated days without a VALID EXCUSE (specified below). Many students ask permission to honor other commitments that are at the same time as this class, this includes exams from other classes. The policy of Valid Excuse stated above is absolute.
The only valid excuses for absence are:
(a) Documentation of appointment at the McKinley Health Clinic, or
(b) Notification from the office of the Dean of Students. Class Conduct: The class atmosphere is expected to be one of mutual respect. I expect you to demonstrate respect for your peers, Dr. Rispoli and graders. For example,
Please come to class on time, late entries disrupt the class
DO NOT have a friend sign the roll for you or submit an assignment for you. This constitutes cheating and will result in the forfeiture of the points.
Please be courteous and DO NOT chat with your friends or read the newspaper while you are in the class.
Please allow the instructor time to set up the podium: