Professor Piepkorn
Religion 101
April 22, 2014
Dishonesty That Disappoints Recently, there was a paper submitted that questioned ones’ integrity. For one who considers themselves to be an honest and trustworthy adult, it was decided to write a paper that may be considered as unorthodox, but also an attempt to better a wrong. Though plagiarism should not be condoned in any way, shape, or form, it should also be very appreciated when the professor does not flunk the student who proved themselves as temporarily dishonest. Plagiarism is defined as the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own. Also known as copying or being dishonest. Dishonesty is to act without honesty. It is used to describe a lack of probity, cheating, lying or being deliberately deceptive or a lack in integrity, knavishness, perfidiosity, corruption or treacherousness. Dishonesty is the fundamental component of a majority of offences relating to the acquisition, conversion and disposal of property (tangible or intangible) defined in criminal law such as fraud.
Recent research has shown an increase in academic dishonesty in different educational systems and levels, and negative effects on the academic institution, society and the students themselves. In order to describe the differential perception of academic dishonesty by Spanish secondary school and university students, and to study its consequences on psychological well-being, comparisons between two groups of students from secondary education and university were carried out, using measures of the perception and execution by others of dishonest behavior, as well as psychological well-being and satisfaction with life and learning. University students revealed greater laxity of conscience, considering dishonest behavior to be less serious and more common than secondary school students, and indulging in more dishonest behavior themselves. They also showed greater spiritual, personal, community and environmental well-being, and greater satisfaction with learning. However, transcendental spiritual well-being was greater in the group of secondary education students. Academic dishonesty was associated with satisfaction with learning in both groups, and with satisfaction with life in secondary education. Its link with measures of spiritual well-being was greater in the group of secondary education students, being linked to transcendental well-being only in the group of university students. No gender differences were observed in any of the variables (Muñoz-Garcíaa, 2012).
All dishonesty is a form of self-sabotage in the long run. It is for this reason that we must be honest about whether we are being honest with ourselves. Honesty is one of man kind’s most cherished virtues. But what is honesty? Honesty is the process of recognizing, accepting and expressing our authentic, true self. And this process starts with you. Nothing is more important than being honest with yourself (Swan, 2013).
When we are not honest with ourselves, we are not honest with others. Therefore we lose our integrity. We begin to lie, we begin to rationalize, we begin to deceive others, and we begin to act on the impulses of envy, greed and manipulation. We may think we are getting away with it because we are not getting caught in the act by others, but we are getting caught every single time by ourselves. And we experience the internal consequences every time. Our own minds know when we are not acting with integrity. And the turmoil of not living in alignment with our true