Throughout the formation of the community assessment assignment, the group I was a member of molded a unique group culture reliant on each group member’s personality and perceived role in the assessment. Individuals in this group were unified under a shared goal of producing quality written material for this assignment; however, during the process of merging the paper it became apparent that every member sought to achieve this goal by utilizing varying methods. While some members contributed relatively small portions of the paper over time, other members completed their entire section within mere hours. Although these differences in process and approach for work created some inconsistencies in the style …show more content…
Given that the assignment description and requirements were written well before the start of the class, elements of the forming stage, such as ground rules for the task, were seen before the group even formed. Upon receiving the assignment description, my mind immediately rushed to thinking about potential members of my community assessment group before considering the community we would assess. On my own, I attempted to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of joining existing groups based on my perceptions of the group members’ work ethics and personalities. This display of evaluating and analysis resembles elements of Shulman’s preliminary or preparatory stage of group development. Ultimately, I chose to work with students who I I had some previous positive task group experiences …show more content…
Previous research has associated that a green personality has a postive impact on leadership qualities (Weber & Dennison, 2014). This association between green personalities and leadership was strengthened throughout the group community assessment as each member took an opportunity to act as a leader in different stages of the project. I lead the formation and designation of sections as well as sharing resources in the beginning stages of the group. Katie took the lead on developing the conclusion in response to my section on services resources and the lack of resources and Sophia created the google document. Holly, who had a blue personality, always remained empathetic and provided support during group meetings. While some scholars suggest that green personalities may have issues expressing their emotions (Crews, Bodenhamer, & Weaver, 2010), this group’s focus on successful completion of the group and leadership qualities fostered the necessary amout of open