Community In Harper Lee's The Paradox Of Community

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Pages: 3

The idea of community was once created when a singularity becomes plural. A community consists of multiple, differentiated individuals, that may even though have conflicts within themselves, but can adapt and regulate the conflicts, for the collective benefits, and change toward the idealize community.
Let us apply this idea into an analogy. Imagine a fertilized egg growing inside a womb. The egg receives nutrients and starts to split; it becomes a ball-shaped mass and hundreds of times bigger. As the embryo develops into a certain size, some parts of the cells evolved into eyes; some parts form the arms; some parts become the heart. Although the organs are discordant and not immune to diseases, the body will gradually become sophisticated
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The past century encountered the most intensive, unprecedented conflicts between nationality, ethnicity, and idealism. In the book The Paradox of Community, one of the discourse describes community as invalid term: “No, there cannot be a single body of individuals, and to aspire to one ignores the vital fact that heterogeneity, conflict, difference, and unbearable singularity of being are inextricable ingredients of any unity.” (Lee 5). The world itself is a community where include countries that represent different civilizations. There are Modern revolution from the west, the ancient universal philosophy from the east, and even mysterious theology from the ancient Egypt and Middle East. While we look at the conflicts, the wars are just an inevitable outcome of confronting civilizations. Countless troops were sent to the front and never returned; piles of contracts were signed and teared up; many civilizations were destroyed and rebuild. After years of devastating disasters, it finally came to a point where human beings realized the necessity of a neutral organization. United Nations (UN) was thus established, to promote international co-operation and prevent warlike behaviors. The world as a community was improving itself through