Compare And Contrast Annie And Gary Dillard

Words: 192
Pages: 1

When the sun becomes a ring of light, and a different hue shrouds the land, many emotions are felt. The most assertive one, surely, is awe. During a total eclipse in 1979, a married couple (Annie and Gary Dillard) experienced the feeling of awe, and there are a couple reasons as to why I think that. Firstly, Ms. Dillard states “the sky to the west deepened to indigo, a color never seen”. Having a difference in something you’re used to may cause confusion or even sadness. In the next paragraph, she states “the grass was wrong”, which becomes evident in how and why she’s confused. Oxford Languages defines awe as “a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder”. This event, especially without prior knowledge, can be confusing. This