Compare And Contrast By The Waters Of Babylon And Harrison Bergeron

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Pages: 4

Dystopia; a word meaning a community or society that is undesirable or frightening, a meaning normally taken to the extreme. When one envisions a dystopian society, one thinks of a desolate land, void of all things human, and that is precisely what three stories; By the Waters of Babylon, There Will Come Soft Rains, and Harrison Bergeron, told. Each story showcases technology or man going too far, and what results afterwards, although most is left for the reader's’ interpretation. In all stories, there were glaring clues towards an apocalypse caused by technology gone too far. In By the Waters of Babylon, it told of a desolate, charred city once bustling with people and technology. The story also hinted that all technology was eradicated, as it is told through the eyes of a scavenging tribe. In There Will Come Soft Rains, a story is told of a technologically advanced house, going through a daily routine as if the owners were still there. There Will Come Soft Rains also hinted towards their owners being burned in a great fire, with their shadows burned onto a wall, likely through an atom bomb. Harrison Bergeron was a story of a society …show more content…
In Harrison Bergeron, people are handicapped to become equal. Weights are put on ballerinas, masks are put on beautiful people, and a deafening noise is played in the ears of the intelligent to disrupt thought. Harrison Bergeron is the scariest story, as it tells of a nation that has loss of a rudimentary human trait; being unique. In the stories mentioned before Harrison Bergeron, it is quite murky as to what happened, and there was seemingly no suffering involved. However, in Harrison Bergeron, there is heavy suffering involved. The main characters are clearly in pain, and their thoughts restricted by an overzealous government. Without being unique, quality and way of life is unimaginable, and almost