There are various facts that are similar in both articles about gun laws and just guns in general.
The article “Guns In America” and "We call BS," Emma Gonzalez's perspectives have similar facts. The first similar perspective is that in article (Guns In America, pp 4 line 6) reveals But a majority of states weakened their gun laws. Many now allow guns in more places, including schools, restaurants, churches and public buildings. Also in article (We Call BS,pp 1,line 5) preforms The guns …show more content…
The first contrast is that in the article (Guns In America,pp 3, line 2) performs “They required that more gun sellers do background checks on people wanting to buy guns”. However in article (We Call BS, pp1, line4) remarks “ Since the Founding Fathers added the Second Amendment to the Constitution, our guns have developed at a rate that leaves me dizzy. The guns have changed but our laws have not”. These two articles express how gun laws should be based off different facts so the article “Guns In America” facts that the gun seller has to check the people's background that want to phrases the gun, also the article “We Call BS” facts that Sense the guns have developed than our law should have developed the, same article says that sense we the people have a second amendment to the constitution that the guns have gotten more deadly, but the law still sits the same today. The two articles have differents, as you read before this that the two articles have different facts about how the law should changed, Although this compare and contrast essay is coming to a conclusion Thesis… Inessence this article “We Call BS” and the article “Guns In America” article have various similarities and differences about the gun laws and how the guns have became more deadly. However, think about the gun laws and all these horrifying school shootings, should the gun laws be worked