The first quote is presented in the beginning of the story everyman when he gets an unexpected visitor. On page 3 Death states “That shall I show thee; A reckoning he will needs have without any longer respite”. The person that Everyman receives an unexpected visit from is the personified death himself and when he visits Everyman, he tells him that God wants him to undergo a reckoning. The second quote comes from the story Dante’s Inferno when he wakes up in a place in which he does not recognize. On page four he states “... I went astray from the straight road and woke to find myself alone in the dark wood”. The dark woods represent an area in hell. After reading the two quotations above or even both stories Dante’s Inferno and Everyman the difference between the path can be conveniently identified, showing that Dante’s journey started when he awoke in the dark woods and Everyman's journey started after he obtained a visit from the personification of Death