Compare And Contrast Four Freedom And Kennedy's Inaugural Speech

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Pages: 3

“Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed” (Martin Luther King, Jr.). MLK was an African American man who was the leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement. He fought for freedom for many and inspired America to change the way we think to make more people free. Both Roosevelt’s “Four Freedoms” speech and Kennedy’s inaugural address present the idea of maintaining freedom, However, Roosevelt’s speech hints at America aiding those fighting whereas Kennedy’s speech talks about working together to defend freedom.

Historical context of Roosevelt’s Speech
Roosevelt’s speech was said during the time of WWI in 1941. As the war grew,
Roosevelt’s concern became American security being threatened. Roosevelt stated: “ no previous time has American security been as seriously threatened from without as it is today” (2). Due to the current state of American during this period of time, Roosevelt had to think of a strategy on how to keep peace and freedom in America.

Purpose/meaning of Roosevelt’s Speech
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“...we are putting forth our energies, our resources, and our organizing powers to give you the strength to regain and maintain a free world. We shall send you, in ever-increasing numbers, ships, planes tanks, guns” (Roosevelt 38). Here, Roosevelt proves that the meaning of his speech is even though his country is not fighting the war, they will provide not only moral, but material support as well for those fighting. However, Kennedy had a different idea for the fight for