Compare And Contrast Tap Water Vs Tapwater

Words: 615
Pages: 3

Bottled vs Tap Tired of wondering which is better for your health, or which one is the “safest?” Test show tap is way better for the environment and it is tested more frequently to ensure the water we drink from wells is ok to take into the human body. For those who do not have tap water, they have to refer back to bottled water which is not tested as frequently. Tap water is truly down to earth, and is better for the planet. If looking to save money, tap water is the way to go. For example, I have tap water at my house and it comes naturally from the well and also don’t have a water bill which is nice. As for bottled water, they have to pay for it and at the local CVS it cost about $2.22 for a 24 pack. This means they are spending about 10 cent per bottle, but why spend money when tap water is free? In the long run, tap water is way more cost effective, and at the same time safer. …show more content…
Take old bottles or gallons of water, pour them out and use the clean tap water from home and take it wherever you go. There is many ways to stay away from bottled water by planning ahead, refilling old bottles or even use glasses to transport water. The downfall for bottled water itself during transport is many of the trucks that transport them do not have refrigeration systems, so this means they are staying hot, causing the chemicals to come out of the plastic bottles making them unsafe, and contaminating the water you drink. This is another reason why drinking tap water from home is