The house, especially the nursery had become very dangerous and unhealthy to their family. George shut down the house and demanded they go on a long family trip and really start living. Unfortunately it was already too late to save the family and the technology out beat them. The children were not ready to give up the nursery so they tricked their parents and got the lions that they were imagining to eat the parents so the children were able to keep the house and live a perfect life. The parents took an advantage on the house and were so caught up on being the perfect family they did not even notice what was going on with their children and what was going on in their minds. They eventually started to notice but it was then too late and their so-called perfect life got the best of them. In comparison to “The Veldt”, the short story “The Bicycle” by Jillian Horton, Hannah and her Tante Rose did too aim for perfection. Hannah wanted to be the perfect pianist like her Tante Rose was once. Hannah really wanted to go to New York for incredible piano lessons and could study to become a concert pianist and her Tante Rose promised her that she would