In Skurzynski’s “Nethergrave,” Jeremy is made up to be a boy who was abandoned by his parents and was known around school as a boy who is made as a joke. “In the locker room, three of his teammates choreographed it perfectly, as one tripped him, another bumped Jeremys left shoulder from behind, while a third in front of him, shoved Jeremys right shoulder, whipping him around, and to be pitched face down on the bench.” (Page: 316) Another example of great characterization as Jeremy as a character is that he is described as a loner, trapped in his existence, disconnected. When he enters into the video games life, he is made into character that is, strong, free, graceful, and everything he really wants to be. Mostly throughout the whole story Jeremy is made into someone who isn’t really happy with himself, which most people in the world aren’t. So they either turn themselves to the internet or cause pain to themselves or others for their happiness. Eckel’s in “The Sound of Thunder” is shown to be a guy who has tried to do something that he is realistically unable to do. When he sees a sign advertising Time Safari in the beginning, he is offered to tear up the check, showing his nerve’s he has failure to face the T-Rex. Eckel’s is presented in the story as weak man who is overwhelmed easily. “He had his rifle pointed...” (Page: 324) Eckel nearly killed other people. He ran off the path …show more content…
Skurzynski’s “Nethergrave,” showed much more ideas of a theme than Bradbury’s “The Sound of Thunder.” That being said, both stories had great detail revolving around a theme, but one story showed a clearer and more effective theme than the other one. Skurzynski’s “Nethergrave,” was revolving around a boy who chose the internet reality life to cope with his problems he was experiencing from his friends and family because he was promised to be treated better. But eventually he started lying to them because he knew they wouldn’t accept him for himself. “If only his online friends knew that it was the biggest joke Jeremy could ever possibly tell them.” (Page: 318) A clear theme for that story would be, the decisions and choices you make now, reflect your life in every way. We are oblivious to the results now from our actions, but the actions will be known and you’ll change how it’s handled, and try to better yourself. Bradbury’s “The Sound of Thunder,” theme would be, how everything in life has a purpose, and casually it all comes connected at the end. There is things interlinked to that theme, such as, that time travelers seek to go back in the past (to kill the T-rex) indicates that. Eckel’s fear that causes him to go off the path caused a modern tragedy. He almost made people die. Therefore, the theme that Bradbury is trying to convey that has to do with the butterfly effect and/or Chaos