Most of us have sworn, cheated on a test, have been upset over a loved one passing on, etc. That does not mean we are not spiritual or inhumane people, we are normal people. This argument of mine shows that I have a more dark romantic look on life. The world can be a nasty place, we don't have to fall from grace to realize that, nevertheless ignore it. This nastiness to the world can never be ignored, in fact everyday we turn on the t.v. or open Twitter to see the disgusting truth of our world. Instead of hiding from it, and letting God do his part, we must put our foot down and say that terrorism, shootings, hunger, etc. is not apart of this life cycle. I do not understand how transcendentalists would accept the fact that the holocaust happened or 9/11 happened. The acts of others intended to hurt are not supposed to be apart of life or a normalized action. Out of both beliefs I categorize myself more with Dark Romanticism rather than Transcendentalism. Although I agree with God being more apparent in nature, I strongly disbelieve that humans can be perfect and free from sin. I would label myself as a positive dark