Compare How Bismarck Introduce Progressive Forms Of Male Suffrage And Establishment Of The First Welfare States

Words: 541
Pages: 3

1. Eli Whitney's cotton gin revolutionized the production of cotton by speeding up the processing of removing seeds from cotton fiber. Before the invention of the cotton gin, not only was the raising of the cotton labor intensive. The growing of cotton became less labor-intensive cash crop, which contribute to the rise of cotton production. In turn this lead to an increase of slaves and slaveholders and to the growth of cotton based agricultural economy in the South. Since the profits of producing cotton increase, the demand of slaves increases too. At the same time, the dramatically lowered cost of producing cotton fiber, the corresponding increase in the amount of cotton fabric demanded by textile mills, and the increasing prevalence of large-scale plantation agriculture resulted in a dramatic increase in the demand for more slaves to work those plantations. After the cotton gin was patent, slavery grow from 700,000 to more than three million, which created gang labor. Gang labor crated dozens of slaves, which work crews could be supervised by a single white overseer, which made for more efficient work.
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Bismarck introduce progressive forms of male suffrage and establishment of the first welfare state, in order to achieve his goals. He manipulated Europe to make Germany a world power, but instead he laid formation for both World Wars to come. Bismarck desire to unified Germany stirred the political tensions between France and Prussia, which he edited a telegram from William I. Which made Prussia declare war against France. Germany was unified when the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine were annexed, also when William was crowned emperor. So, by weaken Prussia and Austria from removing them from the Bund. In doing so strengthen the position of the William I to counter the demands for reform from Prussian