Comparing Baldwin's Sonny And Ted Hughes

Words: 375
Pages: 2

The narrator views are different from those of Sonny in the sense that the narrator does not see music as a very important aspect of life. On the contrary, Sonny believes that music is a very important thing in life. Sonny is passionate about playing the piano. The narrator relates music to his own definition of the Harlem youth. The narrator does doesn't have high expectations for the youth. When he is in the bar, he says, “The juke box was blasting away…I watched the barmaid as she danced her way from the juke box…struggling woman beneath the battered face of the semiwhore” (51). The music, the youth, and the barmaid, are all one thing for the narrator. They are Harlem, which is not a pretty place to him. Additionally, the narrator does not