In Conan the Barbarian, the story begins with a young Conan forced to work as a slave for the man who killed his family, as he ages throughout the years of slavery, he is taught to become a stoic man with inhuman strength due to his lifestyle and being thrown into fighting rings. When successful, he is rewarded with sex for his efforts. Although these women are typically scared at the sight of him, many fail to take into consideration he is only fifteen years old, in turn demonstrating how in a world completely dominated by men, a boy can take control of a grown woman. Similarly, in Parable of the Sower, Lauren begins the story as a fifteen year old girl with a realistic grasp on her struggling society where the women tend to stay in the community while the men go out to act as the breadwinner. Additionally, she suffers with a condition known as “hyper-empathy” which allows her to feel what others feel, also seen as a hyper feminine