This invasion also marked the end of the Nazi regime as once allied troops landed on the western coast meant the march to peace in Europe. There was small amount of doubt in the success of the invasion as Eisenhower knew that there would be huge losses for allied troops in the first week of the invasion on France. He even carried around a note in his pocket in preparation if the attack failed. Luckily that note stayed crumbled in his pocket for the remainder of the invasion. On the night of the invasion FDR notified the nation by radio, and asked that they joined him in prayer. At the time you can feel that most people who was involved in D-Day were filled with great courage and patriotism by the speech as well as the weight of the world on their soldiers. The victory at Normandy came with success but not without great cost. More US soldiers died in the invasion of D-Day than the 17 years we were in the Iraq and