In the short story, “Of Monsters and Mazes” by Lina Lang, the plot of the story reinterprets the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur by using a variation of the character names as well as using the concept of facing your fears. In the legend, “The Labyrinth”, by Emily Fowles, Theseus takes a step of bravery and attempts the labyrinth with the help from the emperor’s daughter, Ariadne. Ariadne gives him a string to use to find his way through the maze. Eventually, he finds the minotaur that terrorized the town and defeats him. Using the string, “She then instructed him to unwind it as he journeyed through the labyrinth so that he could find his way back to her”(3). In the modern version of the story, a girl named Thea uses the map her boyfriend