In Jeopardy there is usually three contestants who go against each other to take all the money they can. While in Family Feud, the contestants are divided into two teams of family or friends with ten contestants total, five people on each team/family. The families have to try to give as many “correct” answers to a question in order to get points. Incidentally, the point systems and earnings of each game are disparate as well. In fact, Jeopardy doesn’t use a point system, they simply use dollar values. Family Feud however, uses points which translate to money. To win money in Jeopardy, you must give the question to an answer (ex: In 1967 she became the first woman governor of a state east of the Mississippi River. Who is Lurleen B. Wallace of Alabama?). To win money in Family Feud, the contestants have to give the most popular answers to survey