Comparing Macbeth 'And' Holinshed's Chronicles

Words: 282
Pages: 2

The Macbeth in Shakespeare’s play and Holinshed’s Chronicles differ in more ways than one. Both have motives that are different from the other.

In Shakespeare’s play, Macbeth is a character that faces many things and changes throughout the play. At first Macbeth is a loyal soldier for his king, but he gains ambition and the drive for power, which encourages him to commit murder.

There are also mystical pieces in this play that help Macbeth follow his path in his journey. For one, there were the witches that appeared. They foretold a prophecy. That led Macbeth to his ambitious crime and the guilt that followed. There was then the ghost that made matters worse for Macbeth, for he was seeing the man he slayed.

In Holinshed’s Chronicles, the