Comparing Meritocracy And Aristocracy

Words: 537
Pages: 3

Meritocracy and Aristocracy both promise high status and recognition, but each to a different social status group. Many people believed that Aristocracy would be what determined who got power, but other people strongly disagreed. While both Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton valued the importance of a well built government, they significantly disagreed on how it would be run and which part of the government gets the most power. The argumentative pair both wanted a free and stable country that would be strong enough to protect the people. Feuds arose when Jefferson and Hamilton couldn’t agree on whether the State or Federal Government would get the most power. Jefferson believed that he should have possession of the huge amount of land that the unworthy privileged have for trade, …show more content…
(Chernow) Hamilton wanted a central bank whereas Jefferson did not so he purposely used his owned land to leave no land for Hamilton to use. The idea of a central bank was brought up to ensure that financial necessities are handled well. “After Hamilton persuaded President Washington to create the bank of the United States, the country's First Central Bank, Jefferson was aghast at what he construed as a breach of the Constitution and a pearlicious expansion of federal power.”(Chernow) Opening the central bank was not a pleasant time for Jefferson as he believed that it was pointless. Both Jefferson and Hamilton refused to see eye to eye on the topic of Power, thus it initiated the bickerings between the two men.

Traveling overseas many times helped the American economy develop close allies and increased any chance for trade overseas. Jefferson quite