Much like Metropolis, The Matrix pioneered a whole style of visual effects dubbed “bullet time” that involved "suspending actors on wires, using motion capture, and filming segments with multiple still cameras shooting from various angles, and then enhancing the pictures with CG interpolation." While the movie does use copious amounts of CGI, the reason it holds up so well, for the most part, is because visual effect supervisor John Gaeta balanced these effects with practical elements. Under the Direction of The Wachowski, the visuals are also enhanced due to their relevance thematically to the story, the biggest being reflections. These are much more than a stylistic choice as they reflect Keanu Reeves, who plays Thomas Anderson’s state of mind. Whether it's struggling to make a decision, when we see the two pills reflected separately in Laurence Fishburne who plays Morpheus’s glasses or when Thomas Anderson see his broken reflection become whole as he enters the real world for the first