“I drove them all three wailing, to the ships tied them down under rowing benches and called the rest: All hands aboard, come, clear the beach and no one test the Lotus,” (Homer 101-5.) If the men were to eat the Lotus flower they would not be able to wander around as if they have no sense. Odysseus helped the men into the ship and protected the others from the Lotus flower. Fred Korematsu is a catalyst hero, a hero that didn't change his lifestyle to prove others differently from being equal. “The order had been issued by President Franklin D. Roosevelt with the rationale that the event of a Japanese invasion of the west coast, ethic Japanese might collaborate with the enemies. Internal government documents dispute this and suggests the interment was ready with hostages to exchange American prisoners of needing them from war,” (Gale Cengage Learning.) Korematsu had to avoid being captured for over two months, but when he did get captured he took the case to court in order to challenge the policy. The Supreme Court of the United States started the case in 1944 and the