Comparing Power In Mrs. Dalloway, Macbeth, And The Hours

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Pages: 4

Often times an individual may examine their extended family and notice that there is at least one person who is not like the rest. The qualities of this individual may set them apart in either a good or a bad way. Why is it that they are different? Through the analysis of lessons on power, portions, social pressures, and secrecy in Mrs. Dalloway, Wuthering Heights, 1984, David Copperfield, Macbeth, The Canterbury Tales, and “The Hours” I have begun to understand why one individual in my family is set apart from the rest of us.
Power. It is a dangerous thing. Too much power during youth and too little power at an older age are both dangerous. My cousin, Zack, was set apart from the others in my family. He was the youngest child in his immediate family, and his mother
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This imprisonment demonstrates the danger of power in the hands of youth. A cause of my cousin’s difference from the rest of us was power, similar to that given to the Parson’s children. He needed surgery and was provided with pain relief medication afterwards. He used the medicine and it must have made him feel better so he went back to the doctors and asked for more. The doctor continued to provide him with medicine for a while, as long as he kept saying that he felt extreme pain. Eventually he stopped going back. At this point, Zack was most likely going broke because he was working for minimum wage and paying his rent and food bills along with this medication. He had the power to choose what to do next and there was no one there to stop him. His decision was to find a cheaper means of “pain relief” with the assistance of an acquaintance at work. He began to use heroin to get the high that he had developed a need for from the excessive use of prescription pain medication. Now he was older and had virtually cut off ties with the family and was dependent on heroin. Dependence is a form of lack of power. In “The Hours” the audience is taught that a lack of